Frequently Asked Questions
What should I tell my child about why he/she is coming to Therapy?
Some children may feel confused or unsure about why they are going to Therapy and sometimes it’s hard for caregivers to know what to say. You can tell your child that because they are so special they get to come to a special space with lots of toys and creative things where they get to do most of the things they want to do and say anything they want to say. You can also say that you have been there already and met a kind person named (therapist's name) who is looking forward to spending time with them. You can adapt this message for older children. Showing your child photos of the room and the therapist can really help to reduce anxiety. You can find photos on the website.
How long and frequent are Therapy or counselling sessions?
The first session for Therapy or counselling is always an intake session with the caregiver(s) alone. Please don't bring your your child/children to the Intake session. This is a time when we discuss issues and difficult things the child and family have experienced and it is not therapeutic for children to hear these things. Youth 15 years and over have a choice to come to the Intake session alone or with their caregiver. The Intake session is from 55 to 120 mins.
Following sessions will be scheduled regularly; usually weekly for children and fortnightly for youth. The scheduling of sessions will be discussed during Intake to ensure that the schedule meets the needs of the family. Standard sessions are 45 mins long, however the length of time can be adjusted to meet the developmental needs of each client (e.g.30mins for a child under 4).
Do I need to stay when my child is in a Therapy session?
Children usually attend Therapy sessions on their own (apart from Interplay Therapy), however yes, it is important that you stay in the waiting area so that your child knows you are close by. Should your child become anxious they may come and check that you are still waiting, this is an important part of their process and a sense of safety is created by knowing you are there.
What should I expect after a Therapy session?
It's important that the child feels that their time in the special space is sacred, respected and confidential. For this reason the therapist will not discuss with caregivers what has occurred during the session in front of the child. Follow up telephone calls, emails and parental consultation sessions are used to keep parents informed about their child's progress.
It is recommended that after a therapy session you do not ask the child questions about their session, they may not feel like talking about it; especially if they have been working through some big emotions. However if your child chooses to tell you about their session please respond positively and show your interest.
Further questions...
We are more than happy to answer any questions you have. Please feel free to contact us and ask away!