Caregiver Arts Therapy Online Supportive Wellbeing
Wellbeing support sessions are being offered, via telehealth, to support you on your caregiving journey. These sessions have been designed to provide you with a safe therapeutic space to connect to your inner resources utilising the tools of Arts Therapy.
Arts Therapy requires no artistic skills, but rather an open mindedness to explore the resources you hold both internally and externally.
Each session will be attuned to where you are at the present moment as a support for your current experiences. In your session you can discuss and explore the areas of your life you are finding challenging, providing you with therapeutic support.
When we are struggling with daily life activities, it is time to check in with our self care practices. Self-care is a learning journey, discovering what you enjoy engaging in and learning what supports you. Everyone is individual and learning your self-care language, with a witness, is a wonderful supportive journey.
Sessions run on Wednesdays, online, for 55 minutes. Whatever art materials you have will be utilised, even if thats pen and paper.
Sessions will utilise meditation, mindfulness and art making to explore and affirm your own internal and external resources. We understand that caregiving is tough and further pressures are not required. For this reason sessions are online, in school hours, in the privacy and comfort of where you are, whether that is at work, at home or even at the beach. We ask that you allow yourself a comfortable place, free from distractions, so you can immerse yourself and be fully present for your 55 minute session. The cost per session is $150.